Stacey K.’s Story

My name is Stacey K. and I am a cancer survivor living in Kamloops, B.C.

I was diagnosed in February 2018 with Breast Cancer. Thankfully, I was able to have multiple surgeries as well as multiple rounds of Chemotherapy close to home at Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops.

However, over the Christmas holidays in 2018, I received 28 radiation treatments in Kelowna, spending my weekdays at their local Cancer Lodge. I was only able to come home on weekends due to road conditions and distance

If I had been able to do all of my treatments close to home in Kamloops, with the love and support of my family, it would have been a game changer.

I would like to thank everyone who is trying to prioritize the Kamloops Cancer Centre. I know first hand how being alone feels while going through treatments, trying to heal physically and mentally is a tough challenge.

Having radiation in Kamloops would have allowed me to be home with my family, not just over the weekends - but in my own bed each and every night.

I just passed my 5 year mark on my oral chemotherapy medication, and was recently given the okay from my doctor to stop taking my chemotherapy medication! I am grateful to everyone who has helped me along the way to becoming cancer free!

- Stacey K. - Cancer Survivor and Kamloops Resident 


Dr. Paul M.’s Story